Monday, March 14, 2011

blog about twitter

Twitter seems pretty similar to a blackboard discussion to me. The ability to input info and have others reply is just like tweeting and then replying with the @ except blackboard is no symbol necessary. In comparison to an in-class discussion well its close also, one person gives their opinion and then some one makes a comment for or against or adds on to it, its just a continued conversation like the blackboard thread or tweet on a topic of interest when # is attached to that topics name.


  1. Twitter definitely has an advantage feature on the replying part. Our tweets and replies are shown in pop up window on the right. In that way, we can refer back to what we had written before. But I really don't like the fact that twitter had a limit of words we can write in one tweet.

  2. I agree with Yili Zhong on the limit of words that we can write in one tweet. I have to rewrite a tweet several times before I can finally tweet it. But I like Blackboard discussion board better than twitter for our class discussion since you're able to jump into discussion with your opinion in Blackboard while on Twitter, it's more of a one to one discussion.
