Tuesday, March 29, 2011


New media fosters creativity in many ways. For one it allows for people to use technology to create forms of videos, second life, and mashups. One can use different songs and combine them like that of the "Grey Album" which in the article "The new math of mash ups" was a mix of Jay Z's Black Album and the Beatles White Album. The ability to combine different forms of music allows for the creation of a new sound, something people maybe familiar with but can now gain a new ear and maybe a profound love for. Basically it is with the creative mind that new media and technology develops, by combining old and new forms of media we create a newness a fresh form of interactions.

1 comment:

  1. New media technologies give us many new experiences. While video or movie making are usually for professionals, but with the advances of technologies, we can now do it at home at our leisure time.
