Tuesday, April 19, 2011

p2p file sharing

File sharing is the way of distributing stored files such as multi media, documents, codes, programs and more. P2p file sharing means peer to peer file sharing, it is the ability to share files with others on a mutual network, users can download files directly from other peers and share the ones they have on their computers also. Some examples of p2p file sharing are Napster, lime wire, and Freenet. In the article  "ONLINE PIRACY AND THE EMERGENCE OF NEW BUSINESS MODELS" by David Y. Choi, he says that "Napster proved the existence of an immense market interested in online distribution and storage of music to create customized CDs, access older songs and concert recordings, etc. Prior to Napster, no music label was even selling music online."It is obvious thatNapsters p2p file sharing was a innovative and important development for the internet, it became a way for people to interact and spread music that may not have been accessible to them before.


  1. P2P file sharing is a great tool. I've been using dropbox since college. It is a great way to save our information there and access it anytime and anywhere.

  2. I think the quote you used about Napster is really important. Napster is often viewed as a negative aspect of new media and often considered an enemy to it's industry. However, the technology that Napster introduced was incredibly innovative and should be recognized as such.
